
Thriving Homes: Our Services  

We want to encourage people in the Vancouver and Fraser Valley areas to live a more self-sufficient and sustainable lifestyle. This not only helps our environment, it helps your family, and your neighbors too.

Carpentry Services:

Custom Chicken Coops and runs - Whether you live in an Urban area where space is a concern. Or in a more suburban area like Yarrow. Or right out in the country where space is no issue. I can build you anything from a simplistic 3 hen coop to a beautiful penthouse any size. Here are some examples:







Depending on your setting, situation, and objectives. You might also want to consider solar power and/or heat for your coop. Not only a cool feature but a very practical one as well.

Contact me today!

Maybe you need a cost effective greenhouse for your veggie garden. This is a quick and inexpensive greenhouse solution that will afford you all the benefits for a fraction of the price


Besides chicken coops and pvc greenhouses, I am very capable of any kind of carpentry project you may need and would be happy to help!

Contact me today!

Here is a more detailed out-line for people serious about developing a more self-reliant and sustainable lifestyle that goes beyond producing a large portion of your own food. 

Free Consultation / Estimate:

Contact me for a consultation - The objective of our initial meeting is to determine what you want to achieve in pursuing a more self-reliant and sustainable lifestyle, which services are of primary concern to you and a cost for the project.
If you are unsure about where to begin, I will make some suggestions based on past and present scenarios that effect our basic needs for survival and are highly probable in your lifetime. Whatever the situation, we always want to ensure the provision for and safety of our families and friends.

There are low-cost and high-end solutions for each of the categories below.

Areas of Self-Sufficiency


  • Animals (what is realistic for your property?)
  • Gardens / Greenhouse (we custom-build for your specific needs and dimensions)
  • Grow boxes / urban solutions (ideal for decks or in-town lots)
  • Wells and septic
  • Storage
  • Purification/Filtration 
  • Power
  • Solar Systems
  • Wind
  • Micro Hydro
  • Generator
  • Solar Thermal
  • Geothermal
  • Wood
  • Hydrogen
  • All Natural

  • Emergency plan of action
  • Escape Route
  • Video surveillance
  • Weaponry
  • Self Defense
  • Safes and storage
  • Precious metals / hard assets
  • Bunkers

Site Analysis and Assessment

After our initial consultation we will have a good idea of which areas are of greatest concern. The next step of action is a more in-depth analysis of  the energy-efficiency of your current home and will reveal any compromises needing remediation. It will get more detailed depending on the level of sustainability you are committed to attain. You may wish to prioritize the steps in a specific way; everything is customized for your specific project.

  • Home Energy Assessment – An energy assessment will reveal any energy leaks and weak points in the envelope of your home. This means windows, doors, venting, cracks, etc. We want your home to be as efficient as possible in order to save you money on your utility bills Or in the case where you want an independent energy system, so you aren’t wasting valuable energy stores.
  • Soil and Water Analysis – Testing soil PH and for harmful substances in the soil and water in order to determine the current condition of each and solutions for improvement so your soil is safe to grow food and your water is safe to drink.
  • Wind, Solar and Hydro Analysis – Together, we will determine the best possible solutions for powering and heating your home. We will suggest one primary source of energy as well as a secondary fail safe solution for backup.
  • Safety and Security Assessment – If you don’t have an emergency route and plan of action – you need one! Coming up with the most effective plan for your family is one of our first concerns. We will utilize all the resources at our disposal in order to come up with the best plan possible and run through the scenarios with your family so that in the case of an emergency, everyone is well prepared and knows exactly what to do.
  • Food Production Assessment – Based on your families size and specific requirements, which animals you’d like to invest into and the specific location; We will determine the most efficient use of the space available for raising your animals growing your garden/greenhouse and the best way for you to store, use and purify your water. We also have recommendations for dried food storage solutions. 


We will make the appropriate recommendations and develop a strategic plan of action, the resources required, a budget and time line for the project completion. This is crucial for your success in achieving a self-reliant and sustainable life style. We will walk with you through the whole process and our specialists will be happy to be a part of your transition to a self-reliant and thriving home!

Contact me today to book a free consultation.